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Syria Industrial automation

123Next 33 results

Al Tukania For Security Sistem

Marjeh, Al Taj Hotel Bldg - 1st Flr, Damascus, Syria
Phone: 11-2244590


Malki, Damascus, Syria
Phone: 11-3316619

Akeel For Industrial Automation

Al-kallasseh, Aleppo, Syria
Phone: 21-3631171


Al-jamilieh, =, Aleppo, Syria
Phone: 21-2235385Website

Da`boul & Shekh Taha Co

Hama, Hama, Syria
Phone: 33-210700

Elite Electronic

Al Monshie Al Kadeeme, Aleppo, Syria
Phone: 21-2118496

Eyad Janji And Its Partners

Al Azeezieh, Qestaki, Aleppo, Syria
Phone: 21-2116194

Industrial Computerising Center

New Cordoba Association, Aleppo, Syria
Phone: 21-5224060

Rihawi Trading & Automation Co

Al Azeezieh, Huda Shaarawi St, Aleppo, Syria
Phone: 21-2121007Website

The Industrial Automatization Center

Al-kallasseh, The Industrial Region, Aleppo, Syria
Phone: 21-3319403

Al Helol Al Mubtakara

Damascus Province, Daraya, Syria
Phone: 11-6221780

Al Thabet

Mezeh, Damascus, Syria
Phone: 11-2126694
123Next 33 results