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Uganda Public & Social services

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Great Seas (U) Ltd

Plot78/84 6th Street Bugolobi , Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 041-223296

Emmanuel Wacha

Phone: 0414 378045


7th street After London Chambers , Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 041- 235421

Uganda Women Writers' Association (FEMRITE)

Plot147 Kiira Road Industrial Area Silver Complex, P.O.Box 705, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-543943

FIT Africa

Phone: 0414 266807

Union of Muslim Councils for East Central & Sothern Africa

Bananuka Drive Tororo Town, P.O.Box 562, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414 344 363,0414 344 365

Family Planning Association of Uganda (FPAU)

Plot2 Katego Road Industrial Area, P.O.Box 10746, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-540658

Federation of Uganda Employers

P.O.Box 3820, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-220201

The Federation of Ugandan Employers (FUE)

Manyangwa, Gayaza, P.O.Box 3820, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-220201

Association of Women Enginners & Scientist in Uganda(WETSU)

Plot20 Bukoto Street Industrial Area, P.O.Box 21576, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-541400

Interaid Uganda

Phone: 0414 347022
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