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Uganda Construction services

Kakiluna Engineers and General Construction Co.

Plot218 Katwe Road, P.O.Box 8672, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-236467

Kernzi Civil Engineering and Construction Co.

Plot5 2nd Street Old Kampala, P.O.Box 583, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-341349

Khol Ltd.

Plot881, P.O.Box 10137, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-222853

Kokas Express Contractors

Plot108 6th Street Opp. Hotel Equatoria Bhatia Towers Shop II, P.O.Box 4738, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-259825

Kyeitabya Contractors and Renovators Ltd.

Plot8 Colville Street, P.O.Box 9776, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-344964

Lota Construction Ltd.

Plot72 Kampala Road Agip House, P.O.Box 16698, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-342149

Lukwago Construction Co. Ltd.

Plot2 Wilson Road Travin House, P.O.Box 9290, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-233003

Lusco Technical Services

Plot83 1st Street Old Kampala, P.O.Box 8575, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-342471

Lwootwone Investments Ltd.

Plot1 Entebbe Road, P.O.Box 29070, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-347259

Mabecom Construction

Luwum Street, P.O.Box 9689, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-230638

Mable Castles

Plot21 Bombo Road Resource Building, P.O.Box 16161, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-567240

Madema Group Ltd.

Kampala Road, P.O.Box 10150, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-348546

MJ Gleeson International Ltd.

Plot3 2nd Street Old Kampala, P.O.Box 22815, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-347069

Mover's Construction Co.

Plot130 7th Street Opp. Shell Kireka, P.O.Box 11411, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: 0414-347325